Ads Transparency Center Additional Terms of Service
To use the Ads Transparency Center you must accept (1) the
Google Terms of Service, and (2) these Ads Transparency Center Additional Terms of Service (the
"Ads Transparency Center Additional Terms").
Please read each of these documents carefully. Together, these documents are known as the "Terms." They establish what you can expect from us as you use our
services, and what we expect from you.
If you are using the Ads Transparency Center on behalf of an organization, you represent and warrant that you have authority to bind that entity to the Terms and by accepting the Terms, you are doing so on behalf of that entity (and all references to "you"; in the Terms refer to that entity).
You may use the Ads Transparency Center to view, search and query ads that have been presented to users of certain Google services, such as Google Search, together with certain information about those ads, for example, details about the period during which the advertisement was presented, or who paid for it.
By using the Ads Transparency Center you may access content that belongs to Google's advertising customers, for example brands, advertising agencies and political advertisers. You may not use that content, including ads or any other information related to Google's customers' ads or ad campaigns, without the relevant customer's permission, or as otherwise allowed by law. Google's customers are solely responsible for the content of any ads, and any statements or views expressed in those ads are our customers', and don't necessarily reflect Google's views. Google is not responsible for monitoring or policing any dispute that may arise between you and an advertising customer, or any other third party, in relation to your use of the Ads Transparency Center and the information or content within it.
You may access and use the Ads Transparency Center for your or your organization's information or research purposes only. In particular, you will not sell or monetize any part of the Ads Transparency Center, or any of the information or content within it.
Google is legally required to make certain information in the Ads Transparency Center publicly available. Google will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the information in the Ads Transparency Center is accurate and complete. Google may apply certain geographic or age-related restrictions to the ads visible to you within the Ads Transparency Center (for example, to reflect the ads that you would see when using Google services by applying your location or account settings). However, depending on your search query and your account settings, it's possible that you may still see ads in the Ads Transparency Center that would otherwise be prohibited in your country of residence due to local legal requirements, or that were restricted from displaying alongside content made for children (for example, if you are signed out of your Google account and based on your settings we are unable to determine or verify your location or your age).
If you're a
business user or
organization, you acknowledge that the limitations and restrictions in the Terms are necessary and reasonable to protect Google, and agree that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy if you breach the Terms. In recognition of that, if Google brings any action or motion for injunctive relief due to your breach of the Terms, you agree not to assert that monetary damages would be sufficient remedy for that breach. You agree that Google is entitled to seek temporary or permanent injunctive relief against any threatened violation of such limitations or restrictions, or the continuation of any such violation, in any court of competent jurisdiction, without the necessity of proving actual damages.