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Nicușor Dan
Ad details


Nicușor Dan
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The information available about this ad may vary by location
Spent in European Union
Amount spent
A range of how much this advertiser spent on this ad
€400 – €450 (EUR)
Shown in Netherlands
Number of times shown
A range of how many times the ad was shown. A user may have been shown the ad more than once.
1K – 2K
Selected demographics
This information reflects who this advertiser was trying to reach and where. Political advertisers are restricted to selecting demographics for this ad by age, gender, and general location (postal code-level).
Google does not allow audience selection based on certain sensitive categories including race, religion, health condition, sexual preference, financial status and political affiliation.
About these restrictions
Criteria included by advertiser
Criteria excluded by advertiser
18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+, Unknown age
No age criteria excluded
Women, Men, Unknown gender
No gender criteria excluded
Italy and 6 others
See all
No location criteria excluded
Multiple locations not used